August 2, 2011

Episode 22: Tapeheads (1988)

Special Guests: Bill Fishman, Peter McCarthy
Guest Co-Host: Skizz Cyzyk

Let's get into trouble, baby! It's time to look at the 1988 film Tapeheads starring John Cusack, Tim Robbins, and a whole heck of a lot of other people in remarkable cameo roles (Mike Nesmith, Jello Biafra, King Cotton, Susan Tyrell, Courtney Love, etc). Follow as Josh (Robbins) and Ivan (Cusack) form Video Aces, a video production company that makes its bones shooting funerals, pet seances, wills, commercials and, inevitably, music videos.

Mike talks to the Tapeheads director Bill Fishman and co-writer

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