June 29, 2011

Episode 17: The Warriors (1979)

Special Guests: Michael Beck, Deborah Van Valkenburgh, David Patrick Kelly, Terry Michos, David Harris & Sam Shaber

Come out and play with Mike and Mondo Justin as they come to you from the depths of New York City. This week,the guys make podcast history by examining the 1979 Walter Hill classic, The Warriors with the majority of the film's cast by their side. Not to be missed. A first for this type of outlet.

Buy The Warriors (Theatrical Cut) on DVD
Buy The Warriors (Director's Cut) on DVD
Buy The Warrors by Sol Yurick
Buy The Warriors Soundtrack
Visit Sam Shaber's The Happy Problem official website
Visit The Warriors fansite

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  1. having listened to a number of your shows, I am beginning to see a pattern here the views expressed:

    Movies with more than two male leads = latent homosexuality/homo-eroticism.


    Still good show.

  2. Really digging this past episode!

  3. It's another classic mega-sode as Mike and Justin visit all the original New York locations seen in the film. Or at least that's what they claim they did! As it's recorded in radio format, we'll have to take their word for it.
